Tips To Keep Your Business Running Smoothly While Traveling The Globe Life is all about making the most of the time we have. There is so much of this planet to see, so we may as well get around the globe. It’s not something you’ll ever regret because it would open up your eyes to so much. Your life would feel a lot more enriched than it is right now. Whether you are traveling light and alone or with a large group, you will feel as though everything is better. You have to make money and ensure you have enough in your bank, however. If you are somebody who is … Continue reading Tips To Keep Your Business Running Smoothly While Traveling The Globe

Travel Light, Live Big: How to Pack Smart for a Global Adventure

Embark upon a backpacker’s journey around the globe and feel the excitement well up inside you—excitement about the new places, cultures, landscapes you’ll see, and the adventures ahead. But for the sake of maximizing the enjoyment of your experience, it is important to master the art of minimalism in packing. We’ve got some essentials — here’s hoping they help in packing your life away efficiently for your globe-trot! Continue reading Travel Light, Live Big: How to Pack Smart for a Global Adventure

Is It Possible to be a Digital Nomad in Remote Locations?

Image credit When you think of digital nomads and their thriving businesses, what immediately comes to mind? Do you think of people heading to gorgeous resorts and typing away on their laptops at the beach? How about sitting in a little cafe in Greece, on one of those touristy islands? Do you even think of the hustle and bustle of a big city like Lisbon? Well, all of these scenarios are true. You can count on digital nomads to live mostly in more active areas. It’s not hard to see why; there’s a lot to see, so much to do, … Continue reading Is It Possible to be a Digital Nomad in Remote Locations?

Ortlieb Soulo Backpack Review

The Ortlieb Soulo Backpack is a minimalist backpack for everything from city to summit. Its waterproof construction and closing system mean you can be confident to leave a laptop inside on a rainy commute to work or keep your clothes and gear dry on a wet hike in the great outdoors. The outer waterproof zip pouch keep valuables safe and the 5 year warranty and German design and construction give you the confidence to easily justify the price tag. Continue reading Ortlieb Soulo Backpack Review