Air Land and Sea in the USA – Boozy Brunch , Regicides Trail, Winning at Blackjack on an Indian Reservation and how I touched the Starship Enterprise

The Corsair below deck on the USS Intrepid  In this blog I spend Christmas in Connecticut, Go boozy running in the snow, Win at Blackjack against Native American Indians, Take sole control of the Aircraft Carrier USS Intrepid, Visit a … Continue reading Air Land and Sea in the USA – Boozy Brunch , Regicides Trail, Winning at Blackjack on an Indian Reservation and how I touched the Starship Enterprise

Beer on the Pier ! 50 Miles of Smiles , An Oopsiwahli, A topless smack, Trig Point Planking, A blow out , being stroked by the sun and Dame Margot Fonteyns tits

Lee and Claire set off for Beer on the Pier at 6am from the Godalming Pepperpot In True Air Land and Sea style Claire and I thought it would be great to get all our friends to feel part of our last big training run before Trailwalker (now less than 3 weeks away). Beer on the Pier on the front of the Surrey Advertiser We came up with the idea of Beer on the Pier. A Wacky races style ‘race’ from The Godalming Pepperpot to the Pier at Brighton. The only rules were that you had to aim to arrive … Continue reading Beer on the Pier ! 50 Miles of Smiles , An Oopsiwahli, A topless smack, Trig Point Planking, A blow out , being stroked by the sun and Dame Margot Fonteyns tits

Running in Cambridge – Eagles, Blackbirds, more Hash and some record breaking Speed

  The SR71 at Duxford Museum – pic by Lee-Stuart Evans Last weekend I got a fantastic invite to stay with some twitter friends in Cambridge. I spent a year there as a student and love the place for reasons that become apparent in this blog !   Cambridge   We arrived Saturday afternoon and had quick walk round Cambridge in the afternoon and refamiliarised myself with the city as we got to watch the punts float by. We also had a pint in a very special pub called The Eagle. It was here that RAF and USAF pilots and … Continue reading Running in Cambridge – Eagles, Blackbirds, more Hash and some record breaking Speed