Stargazer Bell Tent Review

Stargazer Bell Tent Review

The Stargazer Bell tent gives you an amazing space to set up in your garden for children and adults to use all Summer along with a tent that packs up small enough to put in the trunk of a car and take to campsites as well. Despite its size its easy to set up and only takes one person about 15 minutes, With mesh doors and windows to keep cool in the Summer and a chimney flue hole ready for the Winter for a wood burning stove this tent can be used all year round. Continue reading Stargazer Bell Tent Review

DOD Outdoors Sugoi Chair Review

DOD Outdoors Sugoi Chair Review

The DOD Sugoi chair is a versatile rugged cotton camp chair that can be varied for its height and sitting angle making it much more comfortable than traditional camping chairs. There are 4 different height possibilities and the chair includes a carrying bag. The breathable cotton construction is resistant to the embers from a fire and there are 3 color options. Continue reading DOD Outdoors Sugoi Chair Review

My Medic mini IFAK Kit Review

My Medic mini First Aid Kit Review

The My Medic mini IFAK kit gives you roughly 75 essential items for an on hand medical kit. The range of supplies gives you the ability to do everything from deal with minor cuts and larger bleeding injuries, treat pain and stings, allergies and dehydration all the way up to large complex wounds and even keeping an airway clear. There are a range of thoughtful tools and even a glowstick and paracord. The molle pouch can be carried by shoulder strap or attached to a backpack as well. With a choice of pouch colors and the ability to ‘upgrade’ with extra medical kits ( such as the one I chose for hiking) and a QR code linked first aid guide you will be very hard pushed to spend $75 building your own IFAK and come even close to the value for money for this Mini IFAK.

This IFAK will suit trained EMTs and anyone that is looking for a first aid solution in the home, vehicle or out on the trails.

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