Running The North Downs Way ‘Kent Loop’ – Concrete Ears , Flying Texans and Kissing Ernest Rutherford Goodnight

Over the first weekend in September 2012 Dave, Claire and I decided to the run the (alleged) 55 miles of the North Downs Way that comprises the loop between Dover and Canterbury.  This route would take in an overnight stay at my University and a trip down memory lane as well as some superb coastal trails along the famous White Cliffs of Dover, Concrete Listening Ears, A Flying Texan and a new concept we dubbed ‘sports shisha’ Dave and I drove to Folkestone on the Saturday morning, planning to meet Claire in Canterbury in the evening and stay over, and … Continue reading Running The North Downs Way ‘Kent Loop’ – Concrete Ears , Flying Texans and Kissing Ernest Rutherford Goodnight

Running on the North Downs Way in Farnham to Guildford – Cistercian Ruins, Caves, A White Witch, Dragons Teeth and Towers

Lee-Stuart Evans on the Greensand Way at Waverley Abbey Ruins Prior to this blog I had  run the entire North Downs Way ‘loop’ at the Kent end that takes in The White Cliffs of Dover and Canterbury Cathedral. This 2 day run was with both Claire and Dave (who I ran the whole Greensand Way with).  My blog about that run is here On Wednesday morning last week I hitched a lift with Dr G who works right next to Waverley Ruins in Farnham. I thought this would be a great ‘warm up’ at the Surrey end ready for ‘the main … Continue reading Running on the North Downs Way in Farnham to Guildford – Cistercian Ruins, Caves, A White Witch, Dragons Teeth and Towers

Running in Cambridge – Eagles, Blackbirds, more Hash and some record breaking Speed

The SR71 at Duxford Museum – pic by Lee-Stuart Evans Last weekend I got a fantastic invite to stay with some twitter friends in Cambridge. I spent a year there as a student and love the place for reasons that become apparent in this blog ! Cambridge We arrived Saturday afternoon and had quick walk round Cambridge in the afternoon and refamiliarised myself with the city as we got to watch the punts float by. We also had a pint in a very special pub called The Eagle. It was here that RAF and USAF pilots and crew burnt graffiti … Continue reading Running in Cambridge – Eagles, Blackbirds, more Hash and some record breaking Speed

Running in Spain – The Pink Flamingo Black Banana Peligro Salty Sauna Half Marathon

For me the excitement of visiting a new country also comes with the opportunity to do a run in a new country. You get new smells ( some good some bad) new terrain and different views. This particular run still reminds me of the smell of citrus and menthol from the fruit groves and the salty feel of the wind as I ran.  Last week I was out in Spain visiting my parents and grandparents and having a holiday. I like to go for a run in any new country or place I go and have run round some small … Continue reading Running in Spain – The Pink Flamingo Black Banana Peligro Salty Sauna Half Marathon

Phallic Towers , Ladygardens, Phallic Boats, Ruins, Sausages and loads more World War 2 stuff.

So last weekend I sat down to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremony with friends in Guildford. Despite me hating everything about the sponsors and IOC I loved the opening ceremony and have so far really enjoyed team GBs success, which I think has largely had nothing to do with any food they ate at a well know clown fast food chain, power from some company that messed me around twice with connections or any natural extract carbonated sugar beverage they probably don’t go near. Having left the car in Guildford and gone home drunk on the train (missing Brian May … Continue reading Phallic Towers , Ladygardens, Phallic Boats, Ruins, Sausages and loads more World War 2 stuff.