Petes Long One: A Clusterwahli, Nuns on the Run, Holy Water, Bikeaggedon, Mr Whippy Threeway or Trailwalker: To The End and Back Again.

This weeks run has guest blogger Pete taking over.     Hello! I’m Pete, and on Sunday morning whilst I was admiring the views of Windmills at Jack and Jill… this happened: Infinite Hashers! These two pesky buggers, Scrum Muffin and Little Pecker come running down the path kidnap me and make me join in on their 40 mile run (Thankfully they’d already done 5)! The plan they told me, was They’re going to run 30 miles and I’ll run 23. Well that was the plan until the night before when we discover the TrailWalker handbook has the distances wrong! … Continue reading Petes Long One: A Clusterwahli, Nuns on the Run, Holy Water, Bikeaggedon, Mr Whippy Threeway or Trailwalker: To The End and Back Again.

Greensand Way Fulking Hill, Beeding Hill, Bushy Bottom on The Devils Dyke Trail Guide

  Saturday – Easy Peasy South Downs Way Half Marathon    Last weekend the sun came out again on Saturday for Claire and I to have another run on the South Downs Way.This time we would run a ‘short’ half marathon by running from checkpoint 6 to 7 and back. We had Claires dad and a friend with us doing the same route on mountain bikes. Checkpoint 6 on trailwalker on the South Downs Way near Botolphs The run started with a detour from the trailwalker Guide Book temporarily leaving  the South Downs Way to get us safely across the … Continue reading Greensand Way Fulking Hill, Beeding Hill, Bushy Bottom on The Devils Dyke Trail Guide

South Downs Way Trailwalker training run Checkpoint 4 -6 – The Devils Soul Soup, Pig Porn and an accidental Ultra

It was bound to happen at some point.  The moment I started ‘moaning’ that not a lot happened on our runs now because we were too experienced, and that the constant amazing scenery was getting ‘samey’ I was bound to get a spanking from the South Downs Way.  It happened on Sunday and it left me metaphorically and literally red faced. Checkpoint 4 of trailwalker near Bury and Houghton on the South Downs Way  Claire and I  set off at 9am from Checkpoint 4 on Trailwalker. The plan was to run 2 checkpoints and back . The trailwalker guide placed … Continue reading South Downs Way Trailwalker training run Checkpoint 4 -6 – The Devils Soul Soup, Pig Porn and an accidental Ultra

Mounting Toby, Seeing Bognor from Bignor, Roman Villas and Oxfam – Trailwalker Training Run Checkpoint 3-4 Littleton Farm to Arun River

South Downs Way sign near Littleton Farm  Last weekend Claire and I  grabbed a rare day in the bank holiday weekend sun on Sunday to run from checkpoint 3 at Littleton Farm to Checkpoint 4 near the River Arun. Claire running up towards Glatting Beacon on the South Downs Way  We set off with the aim to run a fast pace of under 12 minute miles again. We have also been mixing up our training by taking advantage of some of the fitness classes at Charterhouse Gym as we got 2 weeks free memebership for helping to marshall the 1k, … Continue reading Mounting Toby, Seeing Bognor from Bignor, Roman Villas and Oxfam – Trailwalker Training Run Checkpoint 3-4 Littleton Farm to Arun River

Trailwalker Training Run Checkpoint 2 to 3 Cocking to Littleton Farm

We started the training run on Sunday with me having written 12m 30 on my left wrist.  This wasnt for distance or time, but for pace.  Claire at ‘checkpoint 2’ of trailwalker near Cocking on the South Downs Way The record for completing Trailwalker is 9 hours and 50 mins set by a Gurkha team a few years ago, although that isnt the record that caught our eye. The one that did was the time for a mixed gender team. Some quick maths told us that we would need to manage consistent sub 12 minute miles to have any kind … Continue reading Trailwalker Training Run Checkpoint 2 to 3 Cocking to Littleton Farm