Running on the North Downs Way in Farnham to Guildford – Cistercian Ruins, Caves, A White Witch, Dragons Teeth and Towers
Lee-Stuart Evans on the Greensand Way at Waverley Abbey Ruins Prior to this blog I had run the entire North Downs Way ‘loop’ at the Kent end that takes in The White Cliffs of Dover and Canterbury Cathedral. This 2 day run was with both Claire and Dave (who I ran the whole Greensand Way with). My blog about that run is here On Wednesday morning last week I hitched a lift with Dr G who works right next to Waverley Ruins in Farnham. I thought this would be a great ‘warm up’ at the Surrey end ready for ‘the main … Continue reading Running on the North Downs Way in Farnham to Guildford – Cistercian Ruins, Caves, A White Witch, Dragons Teeth and Towers