Bedcars in Berkshire, Wet Nipples and being the only person in the World for an hour

Bed Car at Wokefield Park Hotel Last weekend I was on an excellent business course at Wokefield Park in Berkshire. I often take my running gear with me when I travel so I get a chance to run in new places.  As I arrived on the Friday night there was a school prom happening on site and there was a massive queue of crazy vehicles waiting to deliver gleeful students. One was an american  police car, one kid rocked up in black tie and a scramble bike, other in limos….but the winner by far were the girls who turned up … Continue reading Bedcars in Berkshire, Wet Nipples and being the only person in the World for an hour

Lakes at Winkworth, Owls at Pitch Hill and Marshmallow Forks

So here is my new blog for my running, flying and diving.  My previous blog posts can be found at  With that challenge completed it was time to find a more permanent home for my blogging here.  I wanted to start this blog with ‘a goodie’ so the opportunity rose this weekend just gone to meet some good friends of mine in Peaslake to go mountain biking.  Why drive to Peaslake when you can run there? Lee taking a sit down in the boathouse at Winkworth Arboretum I set off around 11am Saturday with a light day rucksack (about 4.5kgs) … Continue reading Lakes at Winkworth, Owls at Pitch Hill and Marshmallow Forks