Vollebak Baker Miller Hoodie

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review – Baker Miller Pink is the New Black

In this review I paid for this item and I do not get a commission for sales from the link in the blog. I never endorse products I don’t use as my credibility is more important. Thankyou for helping to support my blog and adventures so I can keep buying gear to review. 

vollebak relaxation hoodie review
Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review

I am a massive fan of napping. Anyone that has done any outdoor adventures with me will testify to my ability to fall asleep within seconds and awake on my own accord 20 mins later refreshed and relaxed and ready.

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Baker Miller Hoodie Review

In this review I  get  my  hands on  an  insane  looking  hoodie  that comes with its own soundtrack, one way vision visor and the ability to  alter  your  mood  wherever  you  are. It’s  been  featured  on the Jimmy Fallon Show and   been  on  my  radar  for a  while, so  as  a professional power napper I was keen to see  if  this  hoodie   could actually help with  sleep  and  relaxation  in  the weird places when I need it most.

The Baker Miller Experiments

In the 1960s a series of experiments in the US resulted in a greater understanding of how to create relaxing or less stressed environments. They became known as the ‘Baker Miller’ experiments and in particular a famous color called Baker Miller Pink was created to create a calming environment to prisoner cells.

The Vollebak Baker Miller Relaxation Hoodie encompasses the  ethos  of  these  experiments,  right down to the RGB code on the side of the hood itself. (the code R255 G145 B175 refers to the specific colour of Baker Miller Pink and R0 G0 B0 to the absolute black on the hoodie).

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review

The hoodie was designed with comfort, relaxation and sleep in mind and so to the untrained eye may appear rather odd, even beyond its ‘Bad Spiderman’ initial looks. Vollebak describe it as an ‘isolation tank on the move’.

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review

Firstly the hood zips up in an unconventional way across your face to create a ‘safe space’ around you. The fine mesh and breathing holes create a calm and warm environment you can see out of but people cant see in. I can imagine that people who suffer from anxiety or stress before a running race or sports event would massively benefit from this hoodie. I tend to sleep with it slightly unzipped on my face so I can breathe more fresh air in the summer, but in colder conditions its perfect fully zipped up. 

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Baker Miller Relaxation Hoodie Review

Huge Pockets for Self Cuddles

The hoodie also has offset pockets that open in the opposite direction to what you expect.  These very deep sturdy pockets offset one above the other creates the ability to tuck your own arms into them like a giant hug and sleep more comfortably. I actually also found the huge pockets a  real bonus on a long haul flight because I could fit a drink bottle, charger pack, phone, wallet, headphones and snacks in the pockets allowing me to leave my cabin bag up out of the way. The insulated breathable fabric was perfect on the flight and helped drown out the noise of the flight and the bright harsh lights of the plane.

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review

Plush Inside and Soft anWater Repellent Outside

The hoodie is made of a very plush fleece lining inside and an external material that’s hard to describe other than being very soft and smooth and almost looking like a scuba diving suit. This hoodie would look just at home with speargun in your hand as it would just wearing out normally. My only advice is to keep this hoodie away from velcro which can have a tendency to cause some piling on the surface of the fabric.  When not using the mesh isolation hood it zips neatly out the way at the back and leaves the hoodie looking very ‘conventional’.

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review

The Only Hoodie with its own Soundtrack

The hoodie also has various seams placed strategically round it to allow the arms and your body to tuck comfortably without pulling when you are sleeping or resting. There is also a discreet zip pocket inside to fit your music or phone and hole for your headphones. Vollebak even created a relaxing 30 min soundtrack for the hoodie you can listen to.

Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review

Relax at the Airport and increase your hand luggage allowance

I’ve had this hoodie now for a few months and its a welcome addition to my adventure wardrobe. I have used it sleeping waiting for a train, airport and even in a car. In the summer months on overnight adventures I’ve even used it in place of a sleeping bag when sleeping for a few hours because the zips are waterproof and the outer fabric is water or dew repellent.

Vollebak Baker Miller Blackout Relaxation Hoodie Review
Vollebak Baker Miller Relaxation Hoodie Review


At $295 you get to own a very unique piece of clothing with obvious benefits beyond its quirky conversation starting looks. I absolute love this hoodie and the fact that I can zip up the hood, tuck in my arms and put my feet up to sleep anywhere with just what I’m are wearing.

The hoodie now comes in a variety of colours ( which is unusual for Vollebak) but I still prefer the all black edition.  You can find out more from Vollebak here.

4 thoughts on “Vollebak Relaxation Hoodie Review – Baker Miller Pink is the New Black

  1. Hi Lee – great reviews, thank you – on the strength your good advice I got myself a black Planet Earth Shirt and wish I had discovered this range long ago. I could genuinely pass every other shirt I possess to the local charity-shop (except for maybe a couple of trusty Rohans) but seriously, a magnificently engineered bit of kit and I’m now saving for a merino hoodie, which is also entirely your fault, obviously!! Thanks again and stay safe, Daniel (York – UK)

    1. Ha Nice to hear from you ! My original white planet earth is STILL going and I use it on trails a lot in humid hot weather. The planet earth hoodie is also my go to item in cold weather when on trails in the USA, Im even wearing it on my Leatherman Loop Fastest Known Time pics. Keep in touch !

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