Trionium UK Wife Carrying Race Review – My Shortest Race Yet, The Estonian Hold , 5 Positions in one Weekend or How to Carry Your Dive Wife at Speed

Lee-Stuart Evans and Jenny Lord at the UK National Wife Carrying Race 2016 – photo by Gaz Davies  Its a Sunday morning and I’m doing a highly professional ‘pre race dry run’ figuring out the best way to jump over hay bales with a woman balanced over me , We’ve tried 5 positions the day before with varying success and my trousers are making jumping the hay bales difficult, as is the Intova Video Camera sticking out on a pole from between my legs. As I run I shout ‘Jenny can you open your legs more….. I can’t see what … Continue reading Trionium UK Wife Carrying Race Review – My Shortest Race Yet, The Estonian Hold , 5 Positions in one Weekend or How to Carry Your Dive Wife at Speed

The Rory Coleman Underround Review – CustardFail ,UltraBusking ,6 Marathons in 6 Days or how to be in a Wham! Video

Lee-Stuart Evans runs the Rory Coleman London Underround Marathon at Bayswater Tube  Its a wet rainy Saturday in February , its 3pm in the afternoon and the rain has driven the throng of  tourists into the tube stations in London rather than walk and get wet, I’m in a huge standstill queue of people looking to get in to Covent Garden Tube Station, dressed in running gear , smelling like a dead badger with a 6kg pack and I’m so confused I think this is Piccadilly Station. So far I’ve visited 20 tube stations that day WITHOUT catching a single … Continue reading The Rory Coleman Underround Review – CustardFail ,UltraBusking ,6 Marathons in 6 Days or how to be in a Wham! Video

Why everyone that said the London Dive Show 2016 was shit were WRONG

I woke up Saturday morning to a barrage of comments flying around online about how bad the London dive show was this year …even though it wasn’t open yet for the weekend …. It was badly attended , not many stands , shared with other events …. too expensive said the raft of armchair experts , few of which had woken that morning with any intention of actually supporting ‘their’ industry or attending. London Dive Show 2016  When I arrived I instantly saw it for what it was ….quite simply …the best dive show I’d seen at London in my … Continue reading Why everyone that said the London Dive Show 2016 was shit were WRONG

Sleeping in a Gay Tardis , Dalek Selfies, Dinosaur footprints and running a marathon with 9 Times World Record holder Rory Coleman

It was minus 2 celcius and I was munching on a huge huge cooked breakfast in a very camp and delightful B and B in Cardiff , it was icy and clear blue day and pretty much as far away physically and thermally as you can get for a desert marathon training day … I couldn’t wait to get started …right after I’d had another round of toast ….and some more coffee….and maybe some more muesli I stared at the stone nude male torso wearing a diamond necklace in front of me. Today was going to be one of … Continue reading Sleeping in a Gay Tardis , Dalek Selfies, Dinosaur footprints and running a marathon with 9 Times World Record holder Rory Coleman

Karma Lager, Enjoying the Hash , Running as a Chumbawumba Christmas Pudding and Why a Pub Crawl is the Perfect Training weekend for the Marathon des Sables

Its a Saturday lunchtime , You’ve got an 8kg rucksack on under an Xmas Pudding Costume and you are running along The Greensand Way  to get to your next checkpoint which is one of 10 pub stops you are visiting . You are hot , tired , a little confused and the Guy next to you dressed as a christmas turkey laughs and  reckons you’ll both die of heat shock before the next pub……as he offers you a hip flask with Advocaat in it…… let me take you back to the previous  day to explain how I found myself in … Continue reading Karma Lager, Enjoying the Hash , Running as a Chumbawumba Christmas Pudding and Why a Pub Crawl is the Perfect Training weekend for the Marathon des Sables