The 3V Gear Nautilus Waterproof Dry Bag comes in 15 and 30L options and is made of high grade PVC tarp. When rolled up closed it is completely waterproof and would even keep things dry is fully immersed in water for a long period of time. It comes with extra mounting clips and a useful shoulder strap for easy carrying. Well made and incredibly good value for money at around $10 this should be an essential item for outdoor hiking in bad weather, canoeing and watersports.
In this review the item was free and I get a commission for sales from the link in the blog but you will pay the same price as you would otherwise. Thankyou for helping to support the site.
In Depth Review
In my multi day kit list guide and stealth/wild camping guide I discuss the need to have a drybag inside your main pack. I think of it as ‘rain insurance’ because it means that the sleeping bag and warmer clothes I keep inside it will always be dry against the worst weather.
The 3V Gear Nautilus Waterproof Dry Bag range is well built military spec feel low cost dry bag option.
The bag is made from a high grade PVC tarpaulin with sealed seams so that when closed the bag is completely watertight even through the opening. The fabric is tough and hardwearing on the outside.

Shoulder Strap
The Nautilus bag comes with a detachable shoulder strap to help you use it as a sling carry bag if using it on its own.
Fold Top Waterproof Seal
The top of the bag opens up fully to allow you to easily get things in and out of it. To close it you simply push the two ‘sides’ together and then roll the sides down so they form a tight waterproof seal. When you have rolled up enough of the bag simply clip the two clips together and the bag stays closed and water tight.

Extra D Rings and Mounting Points
The Nautilus has various D rings on it to mount the shoulder strap but also allow you to attach this to the outside of a larger pack.

Ive also reviewed 3Vs excellent Adventure Duffel and 3 Day Paratus Bags here.
The 3V Gear Nautilus Waterproof Dry Bag comes in 15 and 30L options and is made of high grade PVC tarp. When rolled up closed it is completely waterproof and would even keep things dry is fully immersed in water for a long period of time.
It comes with extra mounting clips and a useful shoulder strap for easy carrying. Well made and incredibly good value for money at around $10 this should be an essential item for outdoor hiking in bad weather, canoeing and watersports.
Features and Specs
15 liter: 21″h x 9″w
30 liter: 25.5″h x 10.5″w
Removable shoulder strap
Limited lifetime warranty

About 3V
Located at the base of the Wasatch Mountain range in Salt Lake City, Utah, we have one of the most amazing places in the world as our playground. We started designing backpacks that we would like to use on our adventures. We were also frustrated with the excessive prices for a backpack. This is why we decided to sell direct to you. We don’t have all of the extra costs of distributors and retailers. This allows us to have a relationship with you and make sure that you are always treated the best and give you a great warranty on your bag.
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