The American Legion Trails are blue blazed CFPA trails in Peoples State Forest near Barkhamstead in CT. The official Blue blaze trails are called the Henry Buck Trail, Turkey Vulture Ledges Trail, Robert Ross and simply ‘Nature Trail’. There are a total of 14 miles of trails in this stunning State Forest.
In Depth Guide
The American Legion and Peoples State Forest Trails actually make up a total of about 14 miles of trails. They are on opposite sides of the Farmington River making completing all of them in one go rather tricky ! The trails lead past various historical sites including old mills, a soapstone quarry and a former Native American Indian Settlement called Barkhamsted Lighthouse.
Peoples State Forest
The Peoples State Forest is 3000 acres along the western branch of the Farmington River.
Henry Buck Trail
This is a 1.8 mile blue blazed loop trail that was envisioned by Henry Buck who was CFPA vice president in the 1930s. It winds through old woodland that has an unusually high amount of wild flowers in it.
It has a ‘feel’ like the Appalachian Trail with stunning rocky outcrops and you can still see evidence of the rocky steps put in by the CCC 90 years ago.
Henry Buck Trail Parking
Turkey Vulture Ledge Trail
This is an easy upward hike to a ledge that is a great spot to view various birds of prey.
The view from the top at the end is stunning and gives you views of the Farmington River below.
Turkey Vulture Ledges Parking Info
Robert Ross Trail
The Robert Ross Trail has many of the other named trails branching off it. When starting from the northern terminus we suggest you turn right when it joins the Jessie Girard marked blue yellow so you can enjoy the views from the lookout.
Also you can take the red blue marked ‘falls cut off’ trail to enjoy a waterfall.
Robert Ross Trail Parking
The lane that leads up the trail head is in quite a state. We suggest bringing a vehicle with high clearance.
Nature Trail
This is a very short 0.2 mile trail that we only did because we are trying to do all the CFPA Blue Blaze Trails in the state. There is nothing special about this trail but the surrounding woodland is peaceful.