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The 3V Gear React Folding Knife is a customizable EDC Knife that’s easy to sharpen and comes with a flipper style opening with liner lock. It has a Stainless Steel 8Cr14MoV blade which balances price and performance and a pocket clip, lanyard hole and G10 handle. Both the blade and handle come in a wide range of finishes and the option for some striking graphics on the blade meaning hundreds of different potential configurations.
Full Review
The best knife is the one you actually have on you at the time you need it. The EDC or everyday carry knife is designed with this literally in mind.

Over the past year or two I’ve become a fan of 3Vs output. Their ability to deliver decent gear for budget store prices is something that’s hard to do…and they do it well. I’ve reviewed their Paratus, Smuggler Duffel, Nautilus and Surge Redline Bags and was impressed with the quality and price point.

Get a handle on It
The handle of the react Knife is made from G10 which I always thought was a reference to the British Nato style watch straps. In fact G10 is a composite resin similar in the way its constructed to the way carbon fibre is made. The handle is lightweight and has two finish options depending on how ‘grippy’ you want it. Its also very resistant to temperature and moisture extremes. Personally I think the tan option looks better than the black option.
I challenge you to find a better budget EDC knife for the price of 2 Burgers and 2 Beers

The Business End
The 3 inch blade is made from Stainless steel 8Cr14MoV. I’m going to avoid the huge rabbit hole and 27 page ‘armchair expert’ online threads debating the ‘right’ steel for a knife and slap down my own personal view here. The USA is the largest importer of steel in the world and China is the largest exporter of steel in the world. The fact that we are seeing more Chinese steel in products in the USA should not come as a surprise. We are driving cars powered by Middle Eastern Oil. Get over it.

I’m well aware that there are a wide range of steels suitable for blades but one thing I know is there is no perfect steel for a blade. The choice of material depends on intended useage. Steel is a constant trade off between the ability to maintain sharpness and its resistance to corrosion and how brittle it is and likely to break. Tweaking other metals in the blend can get you an improvement in one of those areas but it usually comes at a cost to another.

My Dive knife I use in the sea is vastly different from a camp survival and skinning knife I use to cut food and split logs. They are both made from vastly different steel. When I see endless debates online about steel quality and the idea that imported steel is vastly inferior I tend to ignore them. I also tend to not take seriously anyone that says there is a ‘perfect steel’ for knives. There isnt.

What the React blade has is a steel that does a reasonable job in all three areas of sharpness retention, corrosion resistance and flexibility. When you include the fact that they do a superb DLC coating option on the blade ( that instantly protects you from corrosion) and that it is priced very competitively you appreciate the difficult design task 3V have had to navigate. Yes there are better blades out there on better knives but they cost 2 or 3 times the price and I’m not convinced they are 2 or 3 times better. I also like how easy the react knife is to sharpen. On my ‘cut through paper’ test I got about 50 slices before it got blunt which really isn’t bad at all. I’ve tested much worse from other companies.

Blade Finish Options
There are three finish options on the blade, a traditional steel finish , a titanium matt effect and a DLC black coating. I opted for the DLC as its corrosion and scratch resistant. There are also a wide range of graphics you can have on the blade from the ‘Molon Labe’ you see on the one in this review . With the options of handle, blade finish and graphic you get to really personalize your own choice.

The flip out liner lock design of the blade does a good job of being quickly deployable but still legal in most USA states. It has a sturdy liner lock holding it in place and with practice you should be able to retract it one handed as well. I found it had a ‘slight’ stick when retracting and felt 3V could have made the thumb area of the release lever slightly more accessible.
The handle has a hole cut for you to thread a lanyard through if you wish.

The knife comes with an inobtrusive clip that’s sturdy and secure so you can attach the knife to a belt or inside a part of your pocket for security.
Part of me feels that this knife feels too light, but it may be because I’ve been reviewing some very hefty knives lately. For an EDC knife I actually think forgetting its even in your pocket is a positive feature. The blade is also rather thin, but I abused the hell out of it and it didn’t snap or bend at all.

The 3V Gear React Folding Knife is a customizable EDC Knife that’s easy to sharpen and comes with a flipper style opening with liner lock. It has a Stainless Steel 8Cr14MoV blade which balances price and performance and a pocket clip, lanyard hole and G10 handle. Both the blade and handle come in a wide range of finishes and the option for some striking graphics on the blade meaning hundreds of different potential configurations.
PURCHASE $59.95Features and Specs
G10 handle available in black, blue, and tan
Handle is available grooved or plain G10
Three different blade types: black powder coated, TI coated, or stone washed
Blade length: 3″
Handle length: 3.5″
Each knife will also come with our magnetic presentation box
Limited lifetime warrantyImported
About 3V
Located at the base of the Wasatch Mountain range in Salt Lake City, Utah, we have one of the most amazing places in the world as our playground. We started designing backpacks that we would like to use on our adventures. We were also frustrated with the excessive prices for a backpack. This is why we decided to sell direct to you. We don’t have all of the extra costs of distributors and retailers. This allows us to have a relationship with you and make sure that you are always treated the best and give you a great warranty.